NOT A VICTIM by Sebastian Bates & Menno Siebinga
This is a handbook for parents to mentor your child breakthrough bullying. It also consists of inspiring stories of people who breakthrough bullying. Reading through it, it will guide you through our 6 principles how you can set up your child for a black belt in resilience and readiness. This can guide them for life, how to overcome obstacles and setbacks, so they can thrive no matter what life throws at them.
This is bedtime story book you can read to your kids. It’s a story about a girl who is being bullied and her journey to breakthrough bullying. You can read it as a story, but each chapter has questions you can ask your child or they can ask you. This to start the conversation to have a better understanding about bullying, their own emotions, feelings and thoughts, and where they can become resilient. There is also another side to this story, because when you turn around the book, you can read the story from the perspective of the people interacting with Dory. This so your child can learn from an early age that there are multiple sides to a story, and that your child learns how to put themselves also in the shoes of others.
This is bedtime story book you can read to your kids. It’s a story about a girl who is being bullied and her journey to breakthrough bullying. You can read it as a story, but each chapter has questions you can ask your child or they can ask you. This to start the conversation to have a better understanding about bullying, their own emotions, feelings and thoughts, and where they can become resilient. There is also another side to this story, because when you turn around the book, you can read the story from the perspective of the people interacting with Dory. This so your child can learn from an early age that there are multiple sides to a story, and that your child learns how to put themselves also in the shoes of others.
Goodnight stories about breaking through Bullying
This bedtime book is filled with inspiring stories from children and adults who have been bullied, but broke through it, using this to become more resilient and strong. We did our best to fill this book with a very diverse ranges of stories what the bully was picking on. So for example being small, being big, being smart, wearing glasses, different skin color. So that children can feel more connected and get hope, inspiration and possibility that if the person in the story could break through bulling, they can also do this.